Happy Confederate History Month
Happy Confederate History Month
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confede ... e%20states.
I did have a great-grest grandfather who was a Yankee POW at Camp Chase near Columbus Ohio. Home of The Ohio State University.
Camp Chase wasn't much better than Andersonville.
Anyway in case you haven't figured it out while true it is a trolling thread. Hopefully nobody is offended.
I posted it to celebrate a great day on history. April 5th 1958 the day I was born.
66 years ago today I am feeling froggy so I posted this with a smile on my lips and my tongue in my cheek.
Glad to say that after 66 years I can still go twice. But, I enjoy the one on the spring best.
I did have a great-grest grandfather who was a Yankee POW at Camp Chase near Columbus Ohio. Home of The Ohio State University.
Camp Chase wasn't much better than Andersonville.
Anyway in case you haven't figured it out while true it is a trolling thread. Hopefully nobody is offended.
I posted it to celebrate a great day on history. April 5th 1958 the day I was born.
66 years ago today I am feeling froggy so I posted this with a smile on my lips and my tongue in my cheek.
Glad to say that after 66 years I can still go twice. But, I enjoy the one on the spring best.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Heh heh. Well, happy birthday.
Donald Trump would call your GGG a loser, just like he called WW2 dead losers.
This is today’s GOP.
Donald Trump would call your GGG a loser, just like he called WW2 dead losers.
This is today’s GOP.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
It is funny how the original Trump came here to avoid military service and how to the best of my knowledge no Trump had ever served on our military.
I doubt they will run it during election season but, A and E has a great 5 part series about the Trump family and The Donald fone before he got into politics. His entire family is shady.
The original Trump was not only a German draft dodger but owned a whorehouse in the Yukon.
Those women working those brothels were basically slaves in that era.
In everyone's family there is usually that one guy nobody mentions and that other guy always held up as a great example.
The Trump's only have the former and not the latter.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Trump and his daddy were sued for racial discrimination, and of course, paid out a big settlement to keep from being found guilty.Glennfs wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:48 am It is funny how the original Trump came here to avoid military service and how to the best of my knowledge no Trump had ever served on our military.
I doubt they will run it during election season but, A and E has a great 5 part series about the Trump family and The Donald fone before he got into politics. His entire family is shady.
The original Trump was not only a German draft dodger but owned a whorehouse in the Yukon.
Those women working those brothels were basically slaves in that era.
In everyone's family there is usually that one guy nobody mentions and that other guy always held up as a great example.
The Trump's only have the former and not the latter.
Trump has been a crook his whole life. His father was a big-time crook that made all his money on the government dole. It’s that simple.
Now you’re whining when his crimes has caught up to him. It does not matter at all that it might not have happened had he not run for President. When you’re on a debate stage and you brag about cheating on your taxes, people WILL notice.
Do you think the GOP would have started their investigation on Biden if he wasn’t President?
Oh, right, that’s okay.
But now he’s hawking Bibles and the RNC is begging people that are broke to send $5 anyway. Remember when Trump said he’s really rich and he could self-fund a campaign? FACT: He hasn’t spent one dollar of his own money on his campaigns. At first, he put a few million in, but then paid himself back out of campaign funds.
But keep being outraged over everyone out to get poor victim Donald. It’s just your partisanship showing.
A true conservative would be outraged over what he’s done to the party. Some are, like Mitt Romney - but you hate him now because Trump does. You listen to Donald and not Mitt.
And I see that the new employment stats came out, and we overperformed AGAIN - which I know makes you sad, because you want Biden to lose in November.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Again while true they weren't doing anything every other land lord in the country wasn't doing in that era.
It even goes on today only more stealthily.
Again while that is technically defending Trump but, I don't think it is fair to point them out for doing what was an acceptable business practice during those times.
Especially when there is so much other stink on the family.
Yes if Biden were a developer in a republican state he would also be going through selective prosecution.
It even goes on today only more stealthily.
Again while that is technically defending Trump but, I don't think it is fair to point them out for doing what was an acceptable business practice during those times.
Especially when there is so much other stink on the family.
Yes if Biden were a developer in a republican state he would also be going through selective prosecution.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
And you would be all for it.Glennfs wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:07 am Again while true they weren't doing anything every other land lord in the country wasn't doing in that era.
It even goes on today only more stealthily.
Again while that is technically defending Trump but, I don't think it is fair to point them out for doing what was an acceptable business practice during those times.
Especially when there is so much other stink on the family.
Yes if Biden were a developer in a republican state he would also be going through selective prosecution.
Look, Trump is a criminal and con artist. Quit defending a criminal.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
It is wrong to go after him because he got involved in politics. Everyone in New York knew what he was when they were handing him and other6loke hom citizenship awards.
They had the perfect opportunity to Crack down on the entire industry. But that wouldn't get them political points.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Glennfs wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:05 am It is wrong to go after him because he got involved in politics. Everyone in New York knew what he was when they were handing him and other6loke hom citizenship awards.
They had the perfect opportunity to Crack down on the entire industry. But that wouldn't get them political points.

Wow, Trump has played you for a dupe, that’s for sure.
You all revel in his victimhood. It’s what you are now. All victims.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Since when in this country do we celebrate the losers?
When you vote left, you vote right.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Confederate History Month is like Simon Legree Appreciation Month. Might as well celebrate the Titanic sinking.
"We must remember that we cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation." --Liz Cheney, Republican, 7/21/22
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
From Glenn's wiki link:
Although Confederate Memorial Day is a holiday in most Southern states, the tradition of having a Confederate History Month is not uniform. State governments that have regularly declared Confederate History Month are as follows:
Florida[2] (since 2007)
Georgia (by proclamation since 1995,[2] by legislative authority since 2009[3])
Texas[2] (since 1999)
Virginia (1994–2002, 2010)[4]
Only Mississippi has officially declared April Confederate Heritage Month in 2022 and 2023.[5]
In 2022, four states: Alabama and Mississippi (April 25), North Carolina and South Carolina (May 10) still celebrate Confederate Memorial Day.[6]
Politics edit
The Confederacy or the Southern states lost the Civil War, which occurred when the Southern states seceded from the United States in order to defend the institution of slavery, which fueled the mainly agricultural economies of those states. Confederate History Month and Confederate Memorial Day are thus highly controversial as they are linked to a war, secession, and racism.[7][8][9]
When Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell issued a proclamation resurrecting Confederate History Month in 2010, controversy arose due to the proclamation's omission of slavery.[10] McDonnell later announced, "The proclamation issued by this Office designating April as Confederate History Month contained a major omission. The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed. The abomination of slavery divided our nation, deprived people of their God-given inalienable rights, and led to the Civil War. Slavery was an evil, vicious and inhumane practice which degraded human beings to property, and it has left a stain on the soul of this state and nation."[11] McDonnell has indicated that he will not issue a proclamation in future years. In 2007, the Virginia General Assembly approved a formal statement of "profound regret" for the Commonwealth's history of slavery.[12]
On April 11, 2010, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour defended McDonnell on CNN's State of the Union, calling the controversy raised by McDonnell's proclamation "just a nit". "It's trying to make a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly," Barbour said.[13] Unlike the Virginia proclamation, the 2010 Alabama proclamation noted, "our recognition of Confederate history also recognizes that slavery was one of the causes of the war, an issue in the war, was ended by the war and slavery is hereby condemned."[14]
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
With an attitude like that you are officially off my CHM greeting card list
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
I'll take you off my list for the commemorative party on the day Nixon resigned.
"We must remember that we cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation." --Liz Cheney, Republican, 7/21/22
- Posts: 3378
- Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:39 pm
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
This country was started by rebels. Just saying. The war is over. Been over for 150 years. The union survived. The south survived. All those rebels are dead.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Not in the mind of many people. And sorry, you can’t equate the south in the confederate war to the do being fathers.JoeMemphis wrote: ↑Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:39 pm This country was started by rebels. Just saying. The war is over. Been over for 150 years. The union survived. The south survived. All those rebels are dead.
But I bet you do.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Had we lost the revolutionary War our fiunding fathers would be thought about in history the same way you pretend to think about Confederate leaders.
One thing for sure this thread proves you have no sense of humor.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
And at the entrances to Indian Nations. I know you were joking but the fact is Sherman is one of the worst people in American history.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
The revolution fought for freedom. The Confederacy fought for slavery.
- Posts: 3378
- Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:39 pm
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
History is what it is. That was 150 years ago. We are one nation. Lots of battles since then where north and south fought together. It is idiotic to me to keep going back 150 years to keep refighting a war long decided.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
No we fought the revolution because of taxes. Has we lost the history books would be very different.
The Civil War is a great example of the stupidity of men on many different levels.
Had the south kept its powder dry and went to court there is a very good chance the CSA could have legally withdrew from the union.
While the court battle was going on the CSA could have been building its arsenal and lining up allies for the war that would have occurred after thet lost in court.
As opposed to firing on Ft Sumpter which if have never seen it you would know it was the symbolism behind the occupation nit the Ft itself.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
Then why all the Confederate battle flags?JoeMemphis wrote: ↑Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:35 pm History is what it is. That was 150 years ago. We are one nation. Lots of battles since then where north and south fought together. It is idiotic to me to keep going back 150 years to keep refighting a war long decided.
Maybe you should complain about YOUR party.
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
I apologize to everyone. I thought this would be a funny little thread where people would exchange funny and smart ass comments.
I totally forgot that GoU has no sense of humor and would not stand for a little levity.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
[bold] That makes 1236 times i've read something like that.
Smart ass comments are one thing. Trolling another.
I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat. [Will Rogers]
Re: Happy Confederate History Month
The other 1236 is an actual number of very close I researched it.
" I am a socialist " Bernie Sanders