the news??

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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

bradman wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:36 pm I've been slowly wading back in. About the time i feel my head maybe above water the news reports another cabinet pick and i shut the whole fucking thing down again.

About the only reading i've done lately is the leads coming from here.

Ya AP, he brought the DFL from the grave and gave us a solid majority here in Mn. We took a beating this time around but still have some slim control. It'll be interesting to hear what Ken Martin has to say about the DNC.
yah i come here to see what yall are posting about...thats fine news for me.
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Re: the news??

Post by Drak »

I stopped following MSM entirely. Many have. It needs to go down. All the main networks and outlets need to be pummeled financially. But unfortunately I don’t think it matters.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

Whatever happened to "Don't hate the media, become the media?" Internet routes around censorship the way it was designed to route around nuclear first strikes. For that matter, what happened to "Don't mourn, organize" from the unions when their leaders were being assassinated by the US military?

It's the inaction that makes me crazy. I try to organize a valid opposition, but no one wants to oppose. Had the ethnic minorities given up during the civil rights movement, we'd still have Jim Crow.
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Re: the news??

Post by Drak »

ZoWie wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 8:42 am Whatever happened to "Don't hate the media, become the media?" Internet routes around censorship the way it was designed to route around nuclear first strikes. For that matter, what happened to "Don't mourn, organize" from the unions when their leaders were being assassinated by the US military?

It's the inaction that makes me crazy. I try to organize a valid opposition, but no one wants to oppose. Had the ethnic minorities given up during the civil rights movement, we'd still have Jim Crow.
There are lots of good indie outlets out there but unfortunately their reach is limited and I’m afraid they’re going to hunted down be cancelled out. Hopefully not.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

They're hunted down and cancelled out now. Look what happened to twitter. You start new ones.
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Re: the news??

Post by ap215 »

Yeah which actually started by a right winger in Jack Dorsey the same with Facebook with Mark if nothing happens with the web when Trump returns to the WH i'm joining Democratic Social Media Platforms from this point forward.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

how are the youngies supposed to believe AI? they wont know the diff and will believe anything that
dances in front of them on a gadget.

in 10years...where is reality?
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

ZoWie wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:42 am They're hunted down and cancelled out now. Look what happened to twitter. You start new ones.
during Nam...protests began abruptly via long distance hand held telephones.
a call would come in from LA saying a protest began and now UF knows so we start one too.

this happened all the time on landlines. 8-)
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

Right now there seems to be a massive migration to Bluesky, which seems to have started as a Jack Dorsey project spun off of Twitter when the Dark Ages came.

It looks promising. Dorsey is no longer involved, and right now it's too under the radar for the fat cats to eat it up.
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Re: the news??

Post by ap215 »

ROF Farron Cousins - Is Left Wing Media Going Extinct?
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

ap215 wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:52 am ROF Farron Cousins - Is Left Wing Media Going Extinct?
good one.
the human group the left which seems what any non right is called....was always one dare i say competing with
democratic socialism
so OMG!!. trying to implement some similar..programs med etc
they succeeded whilst we All were recovering from vietnam. TY PrezCarter.

as with LBJ he implemented the social programs JFKs people set in motion....'great society programs'...
gave lots of us students a lot of help.
media those days covered this stuff.

times way diff now. truth dont matter just how one appears and behaves on tv. they pick their stories
according to what the congress wants. at their ages no less.....time for retirement age in the soup-reems.
time for retirement age in congress.
this contry has become...a joke.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

Left wing media were always a bottom-up effort. There were no mainstream media with a leftist view, ever. Some of them opposed the war in Vietnam, but the opposition had nothing to do with pacifism or alternatives to war. It was largely about Americans dying in what was clearly a lost cause. The pundits still call it the Dover Effect. (That's the base where the coffins come off the planes and the bodies go to the military morgue.) In other words, the reality of thousands of Americans dying for a lost cause finally won out over fantasies about fighting some kind of illusory Marxist-anarchist enemy that wanted Russia to rule the world at a time when it was having enough trouble ruling Russia.

Left wing media was mostly small local "underground" publications which didn't march to the corporate profit motive drum beat. They were rendered irrelevant by the Internet, which the corporations are trying to buy up and make into just more biased corporate media putting out a top-down narrative between ads for super-polluting SUVs. If they win, it's our fault.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

nope still not taking in any of the debris fed out.
i do not miss it.

on occasion i overhear some 'news' shit out more importantly
the news persons name, the interviewer, the one getting all the face time.
that persons opinion seems to matter for some reason.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

i dont know where to put this so here.

i didnt know this mangione kid had severe back pain issues. long term. and he was denied treatment.

when will the maga-it fence us all in...
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

Yes, the Nooz showed pictures of what's left of his spine. It's got screws in it. He's a Bionic Man, and it didn't fix the problem. The problem didn't get fixed because the insurance wouldn't pay for the surgery that could have worked, maybe.

And he's a rich kid. Daddy practically owns the town he comes from. Imagine what the poor go through.

Doesn't justify murder, but it makes it a little easier to understand.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

must say, seeing lots of bluesky posts about shutting off the news...ratings must be down and
surely media celebs know it.

this needs to be a growing story....people fully admit they are not watching msm. good.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

The legacy news media are indeed in a panic right now. The people have indeed turned against them. The data that their owners use to decide what they should be airing are now showing that exponentially growing numbers of people consider them to be a big part of the problem. Big Media can, of course, still leverage its tentacles into all of human knowledge to maintain control of information, but with the additional understanding that they are the most hated people in Western civilization.

Look at all the deepfakes now saturating BlueSky, then look at the commentators on CNBC. You can't tell the difference. They're representations of humans... images. Too perfect. Real people relayed by cameras and image processors vs imaginary people made entirely by software. No difference. They're perfect. There are no zits in the magical world of mass communication. TV was always this way, but now we have people who are honest in their use of images to make examples that expose the ones that aren't honest at all.

I can't even watch the stock market channels at present, let alone CNN or the F-word. "Trump orders fish for lunch, markets rise 0.05%." BBC is marginally tolerable, but it too has its own built in world view, just a more subtle one based on the knowledge that most of its money comes from a post-colonial monarchy. They sit there in Singapore, with a view of a rich people's hotel over their right shoulders, and tell us their version of reality, jolly good show old chap.

A civilization brought to its knees by screens of its own invention.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

ap215 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:51 am You're right Z the news is poisonous now from the elimination of The Fairness Doctrine in the 1980's during Reagan's tenure, The Telecom Act in 1996 with Bill Clinton it's all corporate right wing robotic mouthpiece propaganda & has gotten worse sadly we're not going to recover from this nightmare.
TV news in general is mind poison, as much from what it doesn't say as what it does. It's OK for breaking stories, because they can afford the equipment and skilled workers to show us the devastation and bodies and bleeding victims and screaming wounded. This can work in our favor if they're in, say, Gaza, because they show us that political power grabs in air-conditioned, heavily guarded, government buildings have real-world consequences. The world changed when the equipment and its operators could show the world what war really looks like. Except for that unforseen epistemological consequence, though, it's all propaganda of the highest order.

It didn't start with Ray Gun, but he's the one who pulled out the cork that started the leak that destroyed the dam and flooded the world. A Culver City Commando. "I didn't win WWII, but I played people who did." He was elected to restore the oligarchy, and it was the best part he'd ever been cast in. He played it to the third balcony, and the audience couldn't get enough. The FCC was neutered on Ronnie's watch, and it's been all downhill since.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

it has become a MSM issue only worsening reliability as things also worsen which is Not their job. their job
was to show the public news. not bullshit talk crap. its fine to interview the firemen, its not ok to get their
big deal pol on camera so they can tell the people help is coming, and it never does. but, now theyve
been ON TV!!!

id say this happens anywhere despite age old teck. it obviously worse today as are most
things across the board, everywhere.

i think ted turner regretted his creation once he realized how they would use it, eventually, but if he
didnt do it someone else wouldve. he took radio news and put it on tv. they became celebs.

i dont think they cover actual news...breaking stuff on a daily basis would show what they have FAILED
TO DO. no they/pols want to tell the people lies. now they do it live on camera.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

ehhh....they, most reporters dont want to lie.
they do avoid following up to a good finish...they do avoid following stories they broke

so they avoid, instead they chat with the pols live and get perked big time.

no one on tv cares that NOLA is still a shithole...that repairs renew dont happen. people get
wiped out and thats it, go fukyerself. ID OR FLA NC SC etc etc.

again and again this country gets broken and never repaired.
over pop.
the rich want more humans they can suck money from.
humans dont want more.

theres your battle.
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Re: the news??

Post by ZoWie »

Big kerfuffle in the righty Nooz over hiring foreign labor on work visas for less then American citizens would make. Elon the Great and Powerful wants to hire a zillion engineers from India and pay them less than Americans would get, and some of the more hard core trumpoids complained about that. One of them cried foul on twitter and Elon the Great and Powerful suspended her account and cancelled all her followers.

Not even inaugurated yet and the coalition is fraying.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

ZoWie wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:45 pm Big kerfuffle in the righty Nooz over hiring foreign labor on work visas for less then American citizens would make. Elon the Great and Powerful wants to hire a zillion engineers from India and pay them less than Americans would get, and some of the more hard core trumpoids complained about that. One of them cried foul on twitter and Elon the Great and Powerful suspended her account and cancelled all her followers.

Not even inaugurated yet and the coalition is fraying.
ohyeh. we in for lots more of that childhood crap, the stunted adolescence.
...which could be hilarious.
the two of them...the worst most egregious on the planet and now we all get to watch the two
battle one another.

almost like one of those gadget games they advert on the teevee.
who will make the gadget game....come on elonenuff, cough up.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

ohmy...elonenuff is bitching on twit about 'constantly being insulted on this platform'.

via tea pain....poster. cant copy for now.
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Re: the news??

Post by rainwater »

not a shock.
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Re: the news??

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